Mannheim, November 29, 2017
The term “Industry 4.0” stands for the close interaction of the industrial production with modern information and communication technology. While intelligent, digitally networked systems represent the technical basis, enterprises are called upon to implement new products, efficient processes, and innovative business models. The development of measures and strategies to develop employee and customer competencies is another challenge. By implementing digital plant controls for cogeneration power plants, Caterpillar Energy Solutions has clearly demonstrated its ability to elevate the work and process organization to Industry 4.0 standards.

Reduced Product and Process Costs
The automation and programming of workflows enables process optimization and significant savings in the field of production, operating, planning, installation, and maintenance costs. Moreover, self-optimizing support systems such as the hardware and software solutions developed by Caterpillar Energy Solutions for controlling CHP plants come with higher planning security and faster reaction to changed requirements and operating conditions. As the hardware and software originate from one source, the systems are perfectly tuned to each other and greatly facilitate the transmission to the production as well as the storage, synchronization, and analysis of data through smart sensors and high-precision mechanisms. The result: a substantial efficiency increase.
Improved Security Standards and Flexibility in Energy Supply
The industrial revolution 4.0 is associated with a higher level of security and product standardization. For example, maintenance experts can remotely access systems via VPN connections for decentralized repair decisions, technical assistance, and other tasks. Furthermore, intelligent monitoring and flexible decision processes ensure easy monitoring of products.
For customers of Caterpillar Energy Solutions, this means that errors can be reduced to a minimum. Incidents affecting the energy supply and other problems as well as changing power and heat energy needs can be flexibly responded to. Employees and customers who have already started using the digital products of Caterpillar Energy Solutions are particularly impressed by the optimized, intuitive processes and customizable control processes.
Qualification as a Success Factor Industry 4.0: Thorough Training in Theory and Practice at Caterpillar Energy Solutions
Apart from providing enterprises with numerous benefits, the latest industrial revolution is also effectively transforming the labor world. The higher level of networking, flexibility, and complexity at the workplace delivers countless benefits to businesses and employees, but also requires certain skills and competencies on their part.
To master these challenges, Caterpillar Energy Solutions puts a lot of emphasis on vocational training. Especially in the field of vocational training in industry mechanics and mechatronics as well as in the integrated engineering degree programs, the sound basic and advanced training provided by Caterpillar Energy Solutions using state-of-the-art technology promotes the development of hands-on competencies that are carefully aligned with the labor market requirements of Industry 4.0.