Mannheim, May 5, 2022

To make its website sustainable and to reduce its carbon footprint, Caterpillar Energy Solutions supports a sustainable environmental conservation project in Namibia. The ClimatePartner-certified project helps to offset unavoidable carbon emissions resulting from the website “”. By supporting the carbon offset project, Caterpillar Energy Solutions offsets a total of 196 kg of carbon emissions a year.

Solar modules in Namibia
Solar modules in Namibia (Photograph: © ClimatePartner Deutschland GmbH; solar energy, Omaheke, Namibia,

Improved Energy Autarky, Reduced Emissions, and New Jobs in Namibia

In the project in Omaheke, Namibia, 18,560 PV modules with a total capacity of 12,064 MW are used for the production of eco-friendly energy. In this way, some 26.1 GWh of clean electricity are supplied to the Namibian power grid, saving about 25,760 t of carbon emissions a year, as the energy is generated without any fossil fuels. Apart from improving Namibia’s energy autarky and reducing emissions, the project has a positive impact on the local labor market. Since the project was launched, some 30 jobs have been created, e.g. for the operation and maintenance of the plant.

Caterpillar Energy Solutions Compensates 196 kg of Carbon Equivalents with the Project

The carbon offset project in Namibia is certified by ClimatePartner Deutschland GmbH. ClimatePartner enables companies to offset their emissions with recognized, certified climate protection projects. The certifying organization cooperates closely with environmental associations and provides companies with guidance for their climate protection strategies. The solar project is also certified by TÜV NORD CERT GmbH.

By supporting the climate protection project from April 2022 until at least the end of March 2023, Caterpillar Energy Solutions will be able to offset a total of 196 kg of carbon equivalents. By offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions from the website, Caterpillar Energy Solutions contributes to the reduction of greenhouse emissions, taking on responsibility for the protection of the climate.