19th WorldMediaFestival honored Caterpillar Energy Solutions with Intermedia-Globe Silver Award 2018
Another product film from Caterpillar Energy Solutions has qualified for a renowned international media award. The WorldMediaFestival honored the product film entitled "TCG 3016. Efficiency Goes Digital" with the intermedia-globe silver award 2018.
EU Resolution on 35 Percent Energy Efficiency by 2030 Makes Distributed Energy Generation with CHP Plants a Key Element of the Energy Reform
The European Parliament has adopted ambitious energy efficiency targets and has realized that highly efficient cogeneration with combined heat and power (CHP) plants can help achieve these targets.
Collective Agreement of IG Metall and Südwestmetall: Caterpillar Energy Solutions Reacts Optimistically to This “Milestone on the Road to a Modern Labor World”
The harshest labor dispute in the metal industry in a long time has been settled with a collective agreement between IG Metall and Südwestmetall. The result: more flexible working hours and higher wages for the employees of Baden-Württemberg's metal indus
New Cat CG132B Gas Engine and Digital Power Plant Control TPEM: Perfect Combination for Maximum Efficiency in Distributed Energy Generation
In combination with the fully digitized power plant control TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management), the new Cat CG132B gas engine series from Mannheim delivers a new level of efficiency and service-friendliness of CHP plants in the age of Industry 4.0.
Caterpillar Energy Solutions Donates €10,000 to Pediatric Oncology Unit of University Medical Center Mannheim
With its highly efficient, eco-friendly solutions for distributed energy generation, Caterpillar Energy Solutions contributes to climate protection around the globe. At its Mannheim site, the company has also been active socially for many years.
The Caterpillar Energy Solutions Year of 2017: Awards, Innovation, and New Opportunities for Sustainable Energy Generation
Is it true that you can't move ahead if you look back? Caterpillar Energy Solutions shows why an annual review pays. The achievements of 2017—awards, innovation, and developments in the field of distributed energy supply—form a sound foundation for a great start into the next year.
Industry 4.0 Readiness through Digital Plant Control Boosts Efficiency and Security of Gas-Powered Cogeneration Power Plants
Within the framework of the fourth industrial revolution, industry and trade are currently making enormous progress with respect to efficiency, profitability, and reliability: The comprehensive digitization of the production chain enables people, machines, systems, and products to communicate and cooperate with each other more effectively than ever.
Reduced Use of Primary Energy and Reduced Carbon Emissions through Gas-Fired CHP Plants
The main advantages of heat and power cogeneration in a natural gas-fired CHP plant compared to their separate generation include the much better utilization of primary energy and the lower carbon emissions.
Apprentices of Caterpillar Energy Solutions in Action as Energy Scouts: Energy Efficiency in the Own Company Is a Matter of Course
Together with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Rhine-Neckar (IHK Rhein-Neckar), Caterpillar deployed its apprentices on a quest for discovery of energy saving potential in the own company in the context of an environmental protection initiative.
Orlando’s Entertainment Industry Supplies Food Waste for Sustainable Energy Cycle
Every second, about 10 kg of food waste are dumped at landfills in central Florida. Thanks to a unique cooperation between Caterpillar and several local partners, this waste no longer remains unused.